This article will show you how to assess an individual pupil. If you would like information about how to assess a class or group, click here.
Assessing a Pupil
Once a pupil has been selected, you are taken to the Assess screen.
You will see that the Plan, Do and Review tab is greyed out in the example above – this page only becomes available when at least one activity or one questionnaire has been completed in full.
Please note: it is recommended that for every pupil all 10 activities and the three questionnaires are completed to gain a complete insight into their maths learning.
The Resource Bank tab is always available, and this is where you can access and download the Further support and Developing SNAP Maths documents. You can also quickly access your centre’s unique activities URL and Centre Code. This information can be shared with pupils when assessing groups or whole classes, or if you would prefer a pupil to access the activities on a separate device. The URL and Centre Code for accessing the Fluency Boosters is also available in the Resource Bank and can be shared with all pupils who you have assigned Fluency Boosters to.
When each activity is completed, a green tick will appear:
As each questionnaire is completed the button will turn green and a tick will appear:
For more in-depth guidance on each section of the assessment, view our article on Completing a SNAP Maths Assessment.
Once you have completed an assessment, read our guide on how to use the Plan, Do and Review page here.