The information in this article is for anyone assessing individual pupils or classes or groups in SNAP Maths. For specific information about how classes and groups can access the activities via the pupil dashboard, click here.
Letter to Parents
This letter is to inform parents about the SNAP Maths process and explain why you want to carry out an assessment. It includes data privacy information and asks for their consent to complete the Parent/Carer questionnaire.
The letter is generated as a Word document, so you can copy and paste the information into an email if you wish. Once a signed copy is returned, it can be scanned and uploaded to the pupil’s profile as a PDF or image.
The Download scanned document button only becomes available once a document has been uploaded.
SNAP Maths Activities
There are 10 SNAP Maths activities for pupils to complete onscreen.
If you are assessing an individual pupil, you can access each activity from the Assess page. If you are assessing a class or group, they can access the activities from their pupil dashboard. Information about this can be found here.
When you click an activity on the Assess page, the test player will open in a new window:
If an activity does not immediately launch in a new window, please check that your browser allows pop-ups or enable it for this site. Please note that some browsers may prompt you to manually allow pop-ups.
Each activity has instruction screens and practice questions to help pupils understand what they need to do. They can click the speaker icon in the top left-hand corner of the screen if they want to have the text read to them.
Some activities have multiple sections. At the start of each new section instruction screens will explain what the pupil needs to do next.
Please note: 'Activity 9: Auditory processing / Verbal memory' and 'Activity 10: Non-numerical ordering' require the pupil to listen to the audio. It is advised that you ensure that audio on the device you are using is enabled and/or the pupil has access to headphones.
Once an activity is started, pupils just need to select their answer and they will be taken straight to the next question. Pupils cannot go back and change their answer. For all activities, if a pupil makes four consecutive errors the activity will finish and they will see this screen:
Pupils’ accuracy for each question (whether they get the answer right or wrong) and their reaction time (how quickly they answer each question) is recorded, so it is important to tell pupils to answer the questions as quickly and carefully as they can.
The activities will continually auto-save whilst the pupil is answering to ensure the data is stored. If a pupil accidentally exits the test player, or connection is lost, select the activity again to resume from where they left off:
Please note: the questions are randomised in every activity.
Clicking End activity at the end of each activity will end the session. A green tick will appear on the activity menu on the Assess page to show that it has been completed:
Re-sitting an Activity
There may be times where you feel that a pupil’s activity results in the Core Profile do not match your professional judgement. This may happen when a pupil has not understood what they need to do or they have lost concentration during the activity.
If this occurs and you would like the pupil to take the activity again, hover over the activity and click Re-sit Activity:
The following dialogue box will appear. Click Proceed.
Please note: all data associated with the first attempt at the activity will be permanently deleted.
SNAP Maths Questionnaires
There are three questionnaires in SNAP Maths: Teacher questionnaire, Parent/Carer questionnaire and Pupil Questionnaire.
Teacher questionnaire
The Teacher questionnaire should be completed by someone who knows best about the pupil’s maths ability and how they are in the maths classroom.
The questionnaire can be downloaded and printed to be completed on paper, but the answers also need to be entered onscreen.
Click Open questionnaire to fill in the results; the questionnaire will open in a new window. If the questionnaire does not immediately launch in a new window, please check that your browser allows pop-ups or enable it for this site. Please note that some browsers may prompt you to manually allow pop-ups.
Below is an example screen from the Teacher Questionnaire:
There is a navigation menu on the left-hand side. You can complete the questions in any order.
Your progress is saved automatically, so you do not need to complete it all at once. If you close the window, then re-open it, the questionnaire will resume from where you left off.
The screen will automatically move on to the next question once you have entered an answer. If you would like to amend an answer at any time, click the Back or Next buttons at the bottom of the screen.
If you are unsure of an answer, select Don’t know. Please note that this does not create a score like the other answers. If you select this answer every question in a section, no result will appear on the Questionnaire Profile.
Parent/Carer Questionnaire and Pupil Questionnaire
The Parent/Carer questionnaire can be downloaded and printed for the pupil’s parent(s)/carer(s) to complete. Once the questionnaire is returned to you click ‘Open questionnaire’ and fill in the results. Alternatively, you can arrange a meeting with the parent(s)/carer(s) and complete it together onscreen.
The Pupil questionnaire gives an insight into the pupil’s own perceptions about their maths ability and how maths makes them feel. The pupil can complete this on-screen, or you can download and print the PDF for them.
The Pupil questionnaire has audio, so the pupil can hear the questions and answer options read out to them if needed:
Both questionnaires open in a new window. Once an answer is entered it will automatically move on to the next question. If you want to change an answer you can use the Next and Back buttons. You can close the window at any time. Re-opening the questionnaire will return you to where you left off.