The articles in this section are for anyone who has completed a SNAP Maths assessment, either by individually assessing pupils or by assessing a class or group.
Once the SNAP Maths assessment steps have been completed, a pupil’s results can be viewed on the Plan, Do and Review page.
Here you will see a pupil’s Core Profile, which shows the relative strengths and weaknesses across the 10 activities, and a pupil’s Questionnaire Profile, which shows the results of the teacher, parent/carer and pupil questionnaires.
If you have assessed a class or group you can switch between the different pupils on the Plan, Do and Review page by using the drop-down menu:
For guidance on the Core and Questionnaire Profiles; Fluency Boosters; School Strategies, Information Sheets, and Home Reports; and re-assessing pupils, classes, and groups, please see the articles below: