When you log in to Boost, you'll be taken to your dashboard. Here you can search for resources or courses using the search bar.
You will also find quick links to the different areas of the platform. You can navigate to these from the main screen or using the sidebar. The sidebar appears on all Boost pages and allows you to navigate to the different areas of the platform no matter where you are.
Quick links from the dashboard and sidebar
- Open a course: This takes you to the courses you have subscribed to.
- View a Course Plan: This takes you to all the original and personal Course Plans of the courses you have subscribed to.
- Browse eBooks: This takes you to the eBooks that you have subscribed to.
- Plan a lesson: This takes you to all the lessons of the courses you have subscribed to.
- Set a Knowledge Test: This takes you to all the Knowledge Tests of the courses you have subscribed to.
- View reports: This takes you to the reporting area, to run reports on learner performance on the knowledge tests, and on which tasks learners have completed.