The online modelling software responses are available for Shine Reading Skills and Shine GPS.
The software can be used to complete the Text A Learning Sequences. It can used with a large group, on an interactive whiteboard, or with smaller groups and individual pupils on desktops and handheld devices.
Click on the link to the software to open it in your browser. The modelling software will open a ‘Home’ screen showing the text. You can either read the text aloud, ask pupils to read it, or click on the ‘play’ button to play the accompanying audio. Using the teaching guidance, you can demonstrate approaches to the text by discussing it with the pupils and asking questions.
Across the top of the screen you will find tabs for the three Areas of Learning: Retrieval, Vocabulary and Inference (for Shine Reading Skills) and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling and Vocabulary (for Shine GPS). Clicking on these will show the questions alongside the text. To view each question, click on it to expand the question text. Use the teaching guidance to work through the question with pupils, highlighting evidence in the text using the different coloured highlighting tools. Click ‘Save your evidence’ to save your highlighted text to the answer screen.
Once you are ready to move onto answering the questions, click ‘Answer’ and you will be taken to the answer screen. Here, you can view the evidence highlighted from the text, and use this to inform your answer. Answer the question by clicking or typing, and then compare your answer to the model answer.