If you've administered paper tests, you'll need to enter their marks before you can generate reports.
Make sure you've set up your learners manually or by syncing with your MIS before entering their marks.
If you've administered interactive tests, your marksheets will be populated automatically as your learners complete their tests. However, you can still review and edit their marksheets.
Viewing Marksheets
- Log in to Boost Insights.
- Click Enter or Review Test Scores.
- Select the test suite you'd like to generate a marksheet for, then the specific paper.
- Choose the class or group you'd like to generate a marksheet for and click Go to Marksheet. You can select multiple classes or groups, but you cannot select a class and a group.
Any and all attempts made by the selected learners at the chosen paper will be recorded here, with the test dates listed down the left-hand side of the marksheet.
To open a learner's interactive test and view their answers, click the computer monitor icon on the left side of the marksheet.
If you would like to view learners' marks for a paper they took in a previous year, or if you have administered a paper that is higher or lower than your learners' current year group, then you need to select their current class or group and the paper they took at the time to view their marksheet.
Populating/Editing Marksheets Directly
To enter a new set of marks for a learner directly, click Select Date next to their name to enter the test date, then type in their marks. The cursor will jump to the next answer field each time you enter a mark.
You can also enter marks in bulk by clicking Allow Bulk Marking above the marksheet, then ticking the learners and/or questions you'd like to mark.
To edit an existing mark, click it and enter the new mark.
To delete marks, click the bin icon on the left side of the marksheet. Please be aware that this is permanent and that interactive test answers will no longer be accessible once deleted.
Populating Marksheets With a Spreadsheet Template
You can also upload marks using a spreadsheet template.
To do so, click Import Marks above the marksheet, then Download Template. Fill in your learners' test dates and marks on the spreadsheet and save it, then click Import Marks again to upload it.
If you don't need to upload marks for a specific learner, delete their row from the spreadsheet before uploading it. The spreadsheet will be rejected otherwise.
When a learner already has marks from a previous attempt, the upload will add a new row of marks instead of replacing the existing ones.
You cannot use the spreadsheet template to edit marks.