What happens if we lose our internet connection during a test?
If the internet connection is lost, your students will still be able to continue the test for up to 30 seconds.
If the connection is lost for more than 30 seconds, the pupil will see a message to advise that this has happened. The test will be paused, and they will not be able to continue the test until the internet connection has been resumed. Answers submitted during the 30 second window will be saved automatically.
When the connection is resumed the pupil will see a ‘continue test’ button, selecting this will return them to the screen at which the test was paused.
If the connection is disrupted when the pupil has selected ‘End Test’ their marks will be submitted when the connection is resumed.
What happens if the browser window is closed mid-test?
We save the pupil’s progress each time they move between questions. If the window is accidentally closed, they should re-enter the test as described in the taking a test section, here. After entering the test code and verifying their date of birth, they will be taken to the last point in the test at which we saved their progress (this assumes they have not run out of time on their timer for the test and have not selected 'End test' on the final screen of the test).
What does RS Assessment from Hodder Education do to protect the data held in MARK?
RS Assessment from Hodder Education takes data privacy seriously. You can find our privacy policy here.