The Individual pupil report allows you to generate reports for specific pupils, as well as letting you see the answers they gave in the survey.
To generate an Individual pupil report select a specific year group, class, group or contextual group and then click on a pupil’s name:
This will open the Individual pupil report for that pupil:
For every dimension you will see a bar graph that will show you how the pupil has performed for every sub-dimension, as well as their overall zone for that dimension.
Hovering over each bar will show you the pupil’s specific score.
If you want to see how a pupil answered a survey, click on the ‘How the survey was answered tab’:
You have two options here, you can either view the pupil’s answers by dimension and sub-dimension or you can see them in the order that the questions were answered in the survey.
Please note: every child will have seen the questions in a different order.
Click the cross to close the Individual pupil report view.