The below article answers some common questions regarding the FFT Aspire Pupil Tracker. Answers to other common queries regarding FFT Aspire can be found on the FFT Aspire help centre here.
What is Assessment Tracker?
Assessment Tracker allows schools to convert and compare DfE tests, standardised tests, teacher assessments, targets and FFT estimates in one single tracking system.
Should I create separate assessments for each year group or assessments that include several year groups?
Each assessment can cover a full key stage - you can record years 3, 4, 5 and 6 all sitting their Rising Stars NTS tests in one assessment which can then be analysed for the whole key stage.
Can I enter assessments from previous academic years?
Assessment Tracker allows you to enter data from your past tests as well current test data. Just choose a previous year when creating an assessment and create a continuous timeline of your test outcomes.
What are FFT 50, 20 and 5 estimates?
FFT calculate benchmark estimates from the results of similar pupils who attended schools ranked 50th, 20th or 5th in the previous years' end of key stage results, around which schools can create aspirational targets for pupils. FFT 50 is average progress (better than 50% of schools nationally), 20 high (better than 80% of schools nationally) and 5th very high (better than 95% of schools nationally). Assessment Tracker enables you to compare these end of key stage benchmarks to your assessment results, allowing you to compare any assessment and a range of estimates.
I have targets which I'd like to compare to my assessments, can I do this?
Targets can be entered directly into FFT Aspire. Once targets have been entered for pupils users can select the ‘Based on pupils with both assessments & FFT estimates’ button on the reports (top right-hand corner) within Aspire Pupil Tracking and toggle through to see a comparison between your assessment outcome and targets.
How do I compare assessments over time?
On the reports, look for the ‘Compare with another assessment’ (top-centre) and click that to choose another assessment to compare with. Toggling through the ‘Based on pupils with both assessments & FFT estimates’ whilst in comparison mode compares difference between your assessment and the FFT benchmarks; your assessment and your targets; or the difference between the raw scores in your assessments.
Who can enter assessments?
Any staff member with ‘enter pupil assessments' permissions on their accounts can do so. One person at the school can create each assessment and the class teachers can enter the pupils scores, for example.
If new pupils have arrived and some pupils have left how can I ensure my cohorts are up to date in Aspire Pupil Tracking?
Aspire Pupil Tracking can be synced with the school’s management information system at any time to ensure your cohort data is up to date. Simply click ‘Check for updates’ and data exchange will sync any new pupil data from the school MIS, including any updated pupil context information.
You may also need to double check that your pupils have been added to MARK, to ensure that all your records are most up to date.
If you have any queries or require more information on Aspire Pupil Tracking please contact the FFT support team on by email at or by telephone on 01446 776262.
If you have any queries or require more information on RS Admin Hub or MARK please contact the support team by submitting a support request here, and one of our agents will assist you further.