Course plans are the scheme of work for a given course. They cover topics within a course, with a recommendation for how you might teach them. They provide a suggested order of topics, with suggested resources and notes for your teaching. They are also customisable to suit your teaching needs
Click ‘View a Course Plan’ on the homepage, or ‘Course Plans’ on the left-hand side menu, to access all course plans:
You can also access course plans for a specific course if you're already within the course:
You can filter for course plans made by different users:
- Original (plans made by Hodder Education)
- Personal (plans made by yourself)
- Shared by Me (plans you've shared with colleagues)
- Shared with Me (plans colleagues have shared with you)
Each course plan tile has a label to denote whether they are 'original' or 'personal'.
Click on a course plan and you will see it divided into topics and sub-topics. Lessons, resources, textbook references, success criteria and more can be found on the right-hand side.
Hover and select the blue ‘Table of Contents’ button to move between topics quickly:
You can edit, copy, share and download a course plan.
If you edit an original course plan and save your changes, your edits are saved as a separate file. The ‘Share’ and ‘Sharing information’ options are only available for personal course plans, as the originals are already available to registered teachers.
Sharing a course plan
You can share course plans you have created with your colleagues.
1. Click the 'share' icon:
2. Select whether to share a read-only version or editable version with your colleagues. Search for the teachers you want to share the course plan with. Add any instructions or further notes.
Click ‘Next’ to proceed:
3. Search for any colleagues you may wish to cc’ in too. Click ‘Done’ to successfully share the course plan with your chosen colleagues:
Downloading a course plan
You can download original or personal course plans, or parts of them, to keep a copy on your device or for printing.
1. Select the 'download' button on the course plan tile:
2. Click the ‘Select All’ box if you want to download the full course plan or select individual topics or subtopics if you wish to only download specific parts. Click ‘Download’ to proceed:
3. The course plan will download as a table within a Word document onto your device.
Copying a course plan
You can make a copy of a course plan to edit its content.
1. Select the arrow icon:
The greyed-out options are only available for course plans made or edited by you or another colleague:
2. Select 'Copy', which will create a copy of the course plan as it currently is and be names as 'Copy of...'. You can edit the name later:
Selecting ‘Edit’ will enable you to edit both the structure and content of the course plan. If it’s an original plan, a new, saved copy will be created so the original isn’t overwritten.
Editing is divided into ‘Toggle Structure View’ and ‘Toggle Editor View’.
Editing the structure
When selecting 'Edit', the default tab will be the 'Toggle Structure View':
Use the tile icon on the left-hand side to drag and drop sections and sub-sections into a new order. Use the pen icon to rename any section. Use the bin icon to delete any section:
Add a new section or sub section by selecting the relevant buttons found at the end of each section:
Editing the content
Select the ‘Toggle Editor View’ tab to edit content sections within a course plan:
Click into any box in each column to edit or add information. A toolbar will pop up allowing you to alter text appearance, add lists, links and more:
Select the ‘Save’ button when you’re happy with your edits: