1) Ensure that you are the Wellbeing and Attitudes to Learning Access Coordinator for your centre.
Only the Access Coordinator has the required permissions to set up the connection with Xporter . If you are not the Access Coordinator, you can find out who holds this role for your centre by logging in to Wellbeing and selecting the the Admin Hub icon (the green icon with the spanner in the top right hand corner):
On the green teacher's tab, the Access Coordinator is denoted by AC under 'Type'.
2) Ensure that your school has a live Xporter account.
If your school does not use Xporter already, you can contact them for more information on switching to Exporter on 020 8506 6100 or by filling out their contact form here.
If you are already a Xporter customer and require support, you can contact the Exporter Customer Success team here or by telephone: 020 8506 6100. There is also plenty of helpful guidance within the Exporter Help Centre.
3) Review the data you currently hold within Wellbeing and Attitudes to Learning.
a. Are there any duplicates of users? If so, these should be deleted (please contact our support team for help with this).
b. Are your class names up to date?
c. Are your pupils in the correct year group? If they are not, you may need to promote them.
By reviewing your current data first, this will help to preempt any issues that you may encounter when you sync your users.
GDPR Compliance
We are aware that it is important for schools to know what data is being sent and stored. When setting up your connection with Xporter you will be asked to authorise access.
All third-party Apps that have direct connection with Xporter API must first register on Xporter's Developer’s Portal. To connect to Exporter schools, they have to define a Permission set (the list of data necessary for the two systems to function properly together). The data that the Hodder Education app requires from your Xporter MIS can be seen in the next section.
The data that is stored by Wellbeing for pupils to enable this connection is listed below:
*Contextual information is comprised of the following statuses on: Pupil Premium, Service children, Free school meals, Ever 6 free school meals, SEN Status, More able, Traveller status, Looked after, Ever looked after, and Home language.
For further details about data in Wellbeing and Attitudes to Learning please refer to our Privacy Policy.
If you're happy with the above, you're ready to move on to the next step: Setting up your Xporter connection.