The instructions below should be followed if you are currently synced with Arbor, Wonde, or Xporter.
When the new academic year starts, you can continue to use Wellbeing and data will be passed back, but pupils will be in the wrong class and year group, as they will remain in those from the year before.
If you are already connected to Wellbeing through your MIS sync, you will need to run through the panels in the Admin Hub once more to update to the new term details and ensure the product functions as expected.
To resolve this, the Access Coordinator will simply need to go the Admin Hub from their account, and go to the turquoise 'School' tab, and then click on MIS-user sync:
Go back through the sync screens and each stage once more, from teachers through to pupils, being sure to import any new classes and pupils.
Once complete, your pupil records will have been updated to the correct year groups and classes, as well as having added any new pupils. We advise checking that all is as you would expect on the blue 'Pupils' tab - if there are any issues with your pupil records within the Admin Hub, please contact our digital support team.