The search bar lets you search for eMagazine articles, then filter your results by topic, series, and volume.
Initiating a Search
You can find the search bar in the centre of the homepage and in the top left corner of each subsequent page.
To initiate your search, type in your search terms and press 'Enter' or click the magnifying glass.
Viewing Your Search Results
Your search results will be displayed as a list of articles. Each result includes the article's title, publication date, and magazine series.
A padlock icon indicates that you are not subscribed to that article's respective volume or eLibrary. Visit the Hodder Education website to do so.
The number of search results is displayed at the top of the list.
You can sort your results by relevance or date by clicking the dropdown box in the top right corner.
You can also filter your results by topic, magazine series, or volume by using the filters in the top left corner. (See below for more information.)
Filtering Your Results by Topic
To filter your results by topic, click the Topics tab under the Filters menu in the top left corner of your results, then select a magazine title to see the topics relevant to that subject.
Tick the topics you want to search within, or tick All to search all topics for that title. You can select topics from multiple titles.
As you tick topics, you will see the number of search results update accordingly.
Use the Clear Filters button to remove any filters you've applied from the Topics or Magazines tabs.
Filtering Your Results by Magazine Series or Volume
To filter your results by magazine series or volume, click the Magazines tab under the Filters menu in the top left corner of your results, then select a magazine title to see a list of volumes.
Tick the volumes you want to search within, or tick All to search all volumes within that magazine.
As you tick volumes, you will see the number of search results update accordingly.
Use the Clear Filters button to remove any filters you've applied from the Topics or Magazines tabs.